Wednesday, January 29 immediately following the 8:10 a.m. Mass. All women of the parish are welcome to come to this meeting!
Under the guidance of our patroness Saint Anne, we are called to continue her mission to unite in friendship for the love of God and work for the spiritual and material good of the parish. All members and parish women interested in learning more are invited! Come gather in fellowship in prayer and love, as we serve our Most Holy Trinity Church. Please note: if unable to join our meetings, you are still most welcome in joining our Society to share spiritually in prayer and your vocation to help others in charitable service and financial offering.
This Altar Society serves our church to work in prayerfully caring for and contributing funds towards furnishing articles in the beautification of our Most Holy Trinity Church as well as to support our priests and our parish community.
Under the protection of Saint Anne, we women promote and support the dignity of all life. One way we do this is to participate in the 40 Days For Life Campaign.
We have three meetings in a year. Meetings are during the week following morning Mass.
We provide a quarterly Mass for living & deceased members. Also we provide two Masses for the
repose of the soul for each member when they pass.
Members: Please pay your yearly dues of $10.00 if you have not done so for 2024. You may pay at the meeting, put them in the collection basket clearly marked Saint Anne’s Society, or mail them to: Marion Moy 920 6th ST. N Winsted MN 55358.
For more information, please call Wanda Paumen 612-214-4872 or Betty Jepson 763- 245-3270.
Dear parishioners,
Your generosity never fails to express God’s love in whatever you do such as with your support to the Saint Anne’s Society Tabor Memorial and church envelope. Thanks to your generous donation and assistance, we were able to continue our mission in service to help provide for our church.
With monies collected we purchased a tabor $1028 – Holy water bottles $210 and contributed to the Capital Campaign $1000 – McLeod County Food shelf $100.
Thank you for your kindness and willingness to help; you have been a blessing in contributing to
the continuous growth of our Holy Trinity. We continuously pray for you in giving thanks to the Lord for your kind heart. And we pray that He continues to bless you and take care of you in His unending grace.
Lord, we rejoice in your blessings that enrich our lives through The Church of The Most Holy
Saint Anne’s Society